Thursday, August 06, 2009

Pink Choice triples in size in the past year, and lists its 2,000th property

Now that we are approaching our 3rd anniversary, we are delighted to tell you that Pink Choice has grown more than 300% in the past year, as people like yourself use it more and more as a source of information when planning their trip or vacation. Over 40,000 travelers visited the site in July 2009, browsing various destinations, reading hotel reviews from fellow gay and lesbian travelers, and trading information in the site’s new forum.

When we first started, people said sites like TripAdvisor were good enough, but TripAdvisor doesn’t provide a gay and lesbian perspective and has even removed gay reviews and content from its main pages and placed them in a hard-to-find specialty section on its site.

Pink Choice now boasts more than 2,000 gay and gay friendly hotels, inns, and guesthouses covering 600 destinations worldwide. The site also has thousands of traveler reviews, thanks to members like you who have taken the trouble to post them.

We’re very gratified that the gay and lesbian community finds Pink Choice to be an invaluable resource. We plan to continue improving the site to make it even more valuable.

So, thank you for helping to make Pink Choice what it is today.

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