International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA) is the leading global organization dedicated to connecting businesses in the GLBT tourism industry. Travelers count on IGLTA to search, contact and utilize our members around the world for all their travel needs. Many businesses join our association to be on the forefront of gay and lesbian travel.
Member benefits include:Visibility to gay and lesbian travels around the world (great promoting)
Visibility at our monthly Networking Events
Complete member listing on IGLTA website and in the print directory
Weekly E-news letters
Opportunity to post your events on our calendar
Access to all IGLTA members and consumers
And many other great benefits…
Your membership with Pink Choice enables you to receive a discount off a new membership with IGLTA! We will waive the $100 administration fee on your new membership! In order to receive this special offer, please contact Membership Manager, Sheila Bryant by email at sheila@iglta.org. Special Code: PC-IGLTA
Offer expires June 30, 2009!
Register today to attend the 26th Annual IGLTA Convention, being held in Toronto Canada, May 7-10, 2009. Information and registration www.iglta.org/convention