PINK CHOICE is thrilled to announce the recipients of the first Pink Choice Awards. The award recognizes the reviews and ratings posted by gay and lesbian travelers since the site’s launch in August 2006.
The Pink Choice Award reflects the high regard in which gay and lesbian travelers hold each property. The award acknowledges the exceptionally high standards of accommodation, amenities and service they provide in the opinion of gay and lesbian travelers.
All properties within each of the four price bands in each global destination are eligible for an award provided they receive an overall score in excess of 95% and a credibility rating of 5. This indicates that they have received the highest possible score and a sufficient number of reviews to make the rating credible.
The Pink Choice Awards are based on the ratings awarded to properties listed on the site from its launch in August 2006 and December 31, 2006.
The winners of the PINK CHOICE Awards - 2006
Carpe Diem Guesthouse– Provincetown
Christopher’s by the Bay - Provincetown
Inn at Cook Street - Provincetown
New Zealand House – Fort Lauderdale
The Oxford Guesthouse - Provincetown
White Wind Inn - Provincetown
We are delighted to acknowledge the following properties that are “Recommended” by gay and lesbian travelers based on their ratings and reviews.
Fairbanks Inn – Provincetown
Island House – Key West
The PINK CHOICE Awards will be presented each year to recognize those properties that have received the highest ratings and reviews posted by gay and lesbian travelers.
Trevor Pinker said “The value of PINK CHOICE is growing as more and more gay and lesbian travelers discover the site, post reviews of their accommodation experiences world wide, and, in turn, use PINK CHOICE when choosing their next play to stay”.